Our mission is to help you
achieve your musical goals

Musicisum takes our passions for music, teaching, and making great videos to create a simple learning experience that you can follow at your own pace. If you are just starting out, or if you have been playing for a while, then we have the perfect lessons for you.


Ben Minal


When I sat behind a drum kit aged 13 and fumbled my way through my first beat I was immediately hooked. Finding something I loved to do and wanted to improve at all the time was so exciting and ultimately life-changing. Many years later I’m now fortunate enough to dedicate my time to working with my bands, making video content and helping loads of you to reach your musical goals with Musicisum!

Dan Davies


I have been playing music for years, and have made it one of my life goals to always surround myself with musicians and people who love music. I'm priviliged to be able to work with a group of great friends, and I get to bring my love of great videos, web design, user experience, and teaching music to a project that is always evolving and improving. The coolest thing about building Musicisum is that I use it myself!

Ben Murden


I've been into computers since I was a kid and have been a long-time software developer. I have also always had a fascination with creating music, and now I get to combine the two! I'm delighted to be able to work with friends and bring bleeding edge technology to create a platform for others who also want to know the joy of creating their own music.